
Rex Alan Butcher

March 10th, 2014 | Posted by curryfuneralhome in Obituaries

Rex Alan Butcher, 54, of Ashford died Thursday, March 6, 2014 at home.

He was a truck driver in the Coal Industry. He was a veteran of the U. S. Navy.

He is survived by his daughter, Cassandra Hodge; step-daughter, Melissa Hudson-Stephens
brothers, Frankie and Benny; sisters, Muriel Spears, Susan (Jr.) Cook, and Patricia Butcher; three grandsons.

A joint memorial services was held for both, Rex and wife, Darlene Butcher, Monday, March 10th at Dartmont Freewill Baptist Church. Burial will be at Estep Family Cemetery, Ashford, WV.


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