
Charles L. Bragg

August 24th, 2002 | Posted by curryfuneralhome in Obituaries

Charles L. Bragg, 51 of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, formerly of Sod, West Virginia, died Saturday, August 24, 2002 at his sister’s residence in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
He worked as a truck mechanic for the former Keystone Mack Company in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania for 16 years. Born in Charleston, West Virginia on January 25, 1951, he was a son of the late Frank A. and Violet V. (McClure) Bragg.

He is survived by his: 1 Son: Scott C. Bragg of Bridgeport, PA; 2 Brother: Lenny Bragg of King of Prussia, PA; Darrell Bragg of Pottstown, PA; 4 Sisters: Sue Hoser of Jeffersonville, PA; Laverne Nicholas of Sod, WV; Alice Berstler of W. Chester, PA; Mareda Reynolds of Nitro, WV; 3 Nephews and 5 Nieces.

There was a funeral service held on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 8 PM in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. There will be a graveside service in Lively Cemetery, Sod, West Virginia on Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 10:00 AM. Curry Funeral Home, Alum Creek, in care of arrangements.

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