
Charles William Hudson

November 25th, 2017 | Posted by curryfuneralhome in Obituaries

Charles William Hudson, 90, of Tornado passed away Friday, November 24, 2017 at Thomas Memorial Hospital in South Charleston.

He was the son of the late Renus Julius and Okey Hazel Miller Hudson.

Charles was preceded in death by his life partner, Marie Sansbury; granddaughter, Theressia Renee Hudson; three brothers and three sisters.

He was the former owner of Central Service Co. in Charleston.

Charles is survived by his children, Rea Jo (Doug) Waldo, “Chip” (Kerri) Hudson, Cathy (Chris) Oliviera and Teresa Loudermilk; 12 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild; and special friend and caregiver, Pam George.

There will be no services.


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Beth Moore
7 years ago

I want to take a moment and offer my deepest symapthies for your loss. The pain we feel when we lose someone we love is heartbreaking, yet we can find much comfort in knowing that mourning is a natural reaction, one even felt by Jesus when his dear friend past away. John 11:35  “Jesus gave way to tears.” He felt that pain but knew there was a hope, the same hope we have for our dear loved ones. Notice this promised hope at Acts 24:15 “And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” How we long for that day so close at hand to have our loved ones reuinted with us forever again.