
Averial Dean Ellis

February 16th, 2016 | Posted by curryfuneralhome in Obituaries

Averal EllisAverial Dean Ellis, 78 of Hewett, WV passed away on February 14, 2016 at Logan Center Nursing and Rehab.

He was born January 24, 1938 at Meadow Fork on Hewett Creek in the same house in which he last resided, a son of the late Cebert Lowell Ellisand Clarissa Gaynell Hager Ellis. He grew up on Missouri Fork leaving for the factories of Ohio at the age of 16.

Averial was a veteran of the United States Army and was very proud of his service. Averal spent most of his working life at Chicago Metallic in Chicago, Illinois later working as a security guard at Black’s Foodland in Madison.

Averial was preceded in death by his brothers, Kenneth , Ivan, Joseph and infant Richard Dale, sisters Jo Ann Craddock, Thelma Jean Craddock, Edith Spencer and Rebecca Hintz.

He is survived by Christopher Pauley who he raised as a son and loved beyond measure, one sister Sally MacRae of Florida, Beverly and Ralph Caudill, Paulette and Danny Dolan and many other nieces and nephews and a host of other family and friends.

Graveside service will be at 1:00 PM Saturday February 20, 2016 at the Ellis Cemetery on Missouri Fork of Hewett Creek with Ralph Caudill officiating.

Visitation will be at Spencer Methodist Church, Meadow Fork at Hewett, WV from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Friday February 19, 2016.


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Sheila Myers
9 years ago

Dear Christopher, Sally jane, and Paulette,
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. I was so sorry to hear of Aerial’s death. I wish I could be
there to say a final goodbye to my dear cousin. But, obligations (and some temporary illness at home) prevent me
from being able to travel right now. At some point in time, I want to come, lay some flowers on Averial’s grave, and
say my own goodbye. He was a kind soul, and will be missed by everyone who knew him. May God give you
comfort at this difficult time. Love,
Cousin Sheila